I sent my elder daughter, 5 years old to aloha classes since April ’07, once a week and 1 ½ hours per session, with the intention of not hoping for a Mathematician but for her to enjoy numbers and to learn some basic calculation, after 5 months in the course, she’s now able to do addition and subtractions up to 2 digit (99) with her 10 fingers and little abacus.
The mom, dad and grandmother also benefited from the session as we all learnt together, don’t know 10 fingers can add up or subtracted to any numbers less than 100. We are taught to count until 10 only back in our days, anything more than that will require our toes but that’s limited till 20 only…. ha ha…
She just took her test yesterday, the class was structured in a way that allow the child to progress on his own speed and the teacher proclaimed little Michelle is now ready for her first assessment. Not sure how she fare but no matter what I’m proud of her, I don’t remember what I can do when I was five! She will continue as long as she desired and stop at any time. Now I need to help her to switch the mode between aloha method and the conventional 10 fingers method……. It may be confusing to some children and certainly confusing to me!!
For more information you may log in to http://www.alohama.com
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