Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I called my mom yesterday to check on her as for the past 3 months she has been suffering from severe foot pain. A few visits to different doctors seems not able to diagnose the actual problem, some said it’s due to the inflammation of some nerves, inconsistent blood circulation, low red cell count….. Hearing from her voice, she’s under tremendous pain as the pain has now shifted to the calf and back area, now the doctor said it’s due to her bones….I’m broken hearted… I’m going back to check her out this week and was thinking of celebrating her birthday too on the 12th Nov, certainly don’t hope to see her in pain. I could not do anything except to trust the Lord to heal her and comfort her. She has been very negative lately saying it’s incurable, what will happen to dad if she goes first etc….. We will go someday, but it’s my prayer that she will go with hope and assurance that the good Lord is going to be with her if only she place her trust in Him, our life here on earth is temporal but our life in heaven is going to be eternal. Mom, I love you, stay strong.

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