Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter

Easter had just passed, a recollection of what I did:

Sat morning, 6.50am, I woke up early because hubby and I supposed to spend an hour (7 - 8am) slot for our church prayer chain day. I washed up and then hubby took his turn. I made 2 glasses of warm honey drink and then off we went meditating on God's word, praising, meditating, giving thanks for Easter. I took below shot from our bedroom's window.

Around 7.25am, Emily woke up and came over to join us, we sang more songs and read the Bible

Next came Michelle, she too woke up and four of us on the bed, taking turns to pray for our church, ourself, our family, our country.....
I took this, the glorious sun is coming out.

We closed with a prayer, by now the sun is fully seen, like Easter a day to commemmorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, God's promises is fulfilled by the triumphant raising of Jesus from death:

Sunday, 8.00am, we reached Vistana Hotel for Easter celebration, we dressed in our best, I sang in the choir, the girls performed a dance, I'll try to upload in Youtube (new to this), they were so cute, so innocent and pure praising God with their little body. Easter was simple, meaningful and joyous.

One good news! Emily reconciled with Irene (the girl she bullied last week):

Happy Belated Easter!

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