Friday, June 26, 2009

The king of pop - MJ is dead

I dropped Michelle to school today and on my way back I heard the song "Billie Jean" playing over the radio and I recollected the good old 80s day where my brother and I were so called "fans" of MJ, even my late mom knew him and was fond of him, songs and MTVs like "Beat It" and "Thriller" were so famous then.

While back home, I was searching a book over and on the top right of the website I saw this shocking news "Michael Jackson, 1959 - 2009.....". Can't believe my eyes, I googled it and read the news over the net, indeed MJ had passed away.

You see no one can actually escape death, human history revealed that no Emperor, Kings, Queens nor anybody is immortal. Life on earth is just a short journey and in the hands of the Almighty God, so while you and I are still alive on this earth today and God knows until when, let's live it to the fullness, to me a well lived life is a life lived under the perfect will of God.


Little Inbox said...

I heard the news when I was on my way to clinic.

Wai Wai said...

Little in-box... yeah what a sad news... clinic?? not feeling well??


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