Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Chicken pox

Emily is having her chicken pox now, in her 4th day and I was told it is the most contagious period as the pox dries up. Generally she's doing well, no sign of slowing down meaning she's still as active and cheerful, very discipline in controlling her food, trying very hard not to scratch them and kind of "happy" that she got it.

I'm not going to post her photos here as being so self conscious about her looks, let's spare her of the embarrassment. When I told her that she won't look nice, she abstain from her favourite food and struggling not to touch them but being so cheeky she actually threatened the sister with it and started the so call "war".

On another note, house renovation will commence next week, hubby warned that our nightmare is going to begin and by the way he bought me a new oven.. muak muak muak....

1 comment:

MamaJo said...

Let her drink more coconut water...hopefully she will recover with no scar at all :)


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